Alamii Honey Gummy Wild Berries 40gram
Deskripsi Produk
NEW! Alamii Honey Gummy, the first gummy sweetened with honey and flavours from real fruits! We created this product with you & all gummy lovers in mind so you can enjoy eating gummies with less guilt!
Why Alamii Honey Gummy?
- Less Sugar
- Sweetened with Indonesia's Wild Forest Honey
- Flavors and Colors from Real Fruits
- Immunity Booster
- Less Guilt. Lots of Joy!
- BPOM & Halal-certified
Why Alamii Honey Gummy is also great for kids?
- A better alternative for teeth than regular all-sugar gummies
- Easy to Chew, Not too sweet & Bee-licious!
- Recommended for 3 years + or regular gummy eaters
*compared with all sugar gummies
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Exp Date: 30 Apr 2025
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